

Thank you for considering Proofreading Asia for your editing and proofreading needs. If you would like to place an order or receive a free quote, please complete the form below offering as much detail as possible about your document. This will ensure you receive an accurate quote from our customer service team.

We will get back to you within 2-12 hours regarding your inquiry. If you have an urgent request or experience any issues completing this form, please Contact Us.

Step One: Your Details

Step Two: Document Details

Click or drag files to this area to upload.You can upload up to 5 files.

Step Three: Additional Information

Step Four: Terms & Conditions

By using Proofreading Asia you (the customer) agree that you understand and are bound by the following terms of service.

It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the edited document. In addition, the customer is responsible for accepting or rejecting the changes an editor makes to his or her document, and/or following the editor’s suggestion(s). Our services do not include fact-checking.

The customer is responsible for the content of the document and guarantees that all documents submitted are his or her own. Proofreading Asia is not liable for copyright infringement or the intellectual property rights of any document submitted to us.

The customer agrees to refrain from any legal action against Proofreading Asia and its staff due to any damages and/or loss, financial or otherwise, resulting in the use of our editing and proofreading services. Proofreading Asia does not guarantee the results of any edited document or (in the case of personal statements) that you will be accepted into any school or academic program.

Proofreading Asia is not legally obligated to refund the price of any service performed. If you are unhappy with our services, please contact support and we will make every effort to correct the situation. However, once services have been performed and delivered, the customer has five days in which to express dissatisfaction or request revisions. If we have not received notification of dissatisfaction or request for revision during this time, we will consider the project/services completed and fully acceptable to the customer.

If the customer decides to cancel an order once the editing process has begun, Proofreading Asia may charge a fee for the completed portion of the document.

For edited documents transmitted via email, the customer is responsible for checking his/her email for correspondence concerning the order. The customer’s telephone number is only requested as an additional mode of contact. Proofreading Asia is not responsible for any disruption or malfunction of the Internet or email services. Please be sure all our email addresses are added to your address book to assist in the delivery of any correspondence.

Proofreading Asia reserves the right to refuse service at its discretion and/or terminate service at any time.